CARE Việt Nam tuyển tư vấn

CARE Việt Nam hiện đang tuyển các vị trí tư vấn cho dự án “P.A.C.E” – Tăng cường phát triển Năng lực cá nhân và Thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp.

P.A.C.E 2011 là dự án nhằm hỗ trợ các nữ công nhân thuộc công ty Vina-Korea phát triển năng lực bản thân và sự nghiệp trong môi trường làm việc thông qua các khóa huấn luyện năng lực cuộc sống. Quá trình huấn luyện dự kiến diễn ra trong vòng 10 tháng, với 4 chương trình huấn luyện mỗi tháng, mỗi chương trình gồm 11 lớp học diễn ra từ 3:30 đến 5:00 chiều. Vai trò của tư vấn là phát triển chương trình huấn luyện và đào tạo các huấn luyện viên.

Các cá nhân quan tâm có thể gửi hồ sơ bằng tiếng Anh tới địa chỉ:

Hạn cuối nhận hồ sơ là ngày 05/11/2011.

Chi tiết công việc như sau:

Consultancy Objective

The objective of the consultancy is to develop training materials and conduct training of trainers (TOT) training for 2 modules “Health” and “Legal Literacy” for the project.

The Consultants will work with CVN staff to conduct a desk review of project materials including comprehensive curricula on the aforementioned modules from an organization running the same program (in Vietnamese and English), project proposal and training schedule (in English) to increase understanding of the project and its target population.

There are four expected products:

1) Curricula for “Health” and “Legal Literacy”

The curricula on “Health” and “Literacy” will include ten 1.5-hour sessions and two 2-hour sessions for 2 modules. Modules will provide adequate information, knowledge and skills for 24 TOT trainees and will employ effective participatory approaches to convey knowledge ultimately to the target group of FGW. The consultant will be expected to:

a. Produce two outlines of two curricula.

-The Consultant will work with CVN staff on the final outline, curriculum format and tentative contents for each module of the outline.

b. Produce first drafts of two curricula and submit for comments.

c. Revise and submit the final version.

2) Life-skills Handbook

The Life-skills Handbook on “Health” and “Legal Literacy” should be written in a clear, simple and easy manner for FGW to read. The consultant will be expected to:

a. Produce a draft of the handbook and submit for comments.

b. Revise and submit the final version.

3) ToT agenda and lesson plan

The ToT agenda will be for one course lasting 3 days and covering the three modules. The ToT lesson plan will include pre- and post-tests. The consultant will be expected to:

a. Produce a draft of the ToT agenda and ToT lesson plan and submit for comments.

b. Revise and submit the final version.

4) TOT training

a. The consultant will be expected to act as the key facilitator in conducting the TOT course on the three modules for 24 selected trainers in 3 days.

b. The consultant will be expected to work closely with project team in selecting core trainers through observation mock lectures of participants (24 selected trainers).

Expected outputs

1. Two completed curricula on skills in “Health” and “Legal Literacy” ( in Vietnamese);

2. A completed ToT lesson plan with adequate knowledge of life skills on “Health” and “Legal Literacy”. ToT lesson plan should also include a guide on effective facilitation and using participatory approaches for active learning (in Vietnamese).

3. 24 trainers are trained on delivering “Health” and “Legal Literacy” (pre- and post-training tests should be used in the ToT course).

4. Completed life skills handbook for FGW on “Health” and “Legal Literacy” (in Vietnamese).

C. Timeframe

The contract will be a maximum of 21 days from 12 November 2011 to 11 December 2011. Preparations can start as soon as possible.