Tìm kiếm ứng viên Giải thưởng bảo tồn 2013

Chương trình Lãnh đạo Bảo tồn (CLP) đang tìm ứng viên cho Giải thưởng bảo tồn 2013, thời hạn nhận đơn đăng ký đến hết ngày 9/11/2012.

Thông tin chi tiết như sau:

The Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) is currently soliciting applications for 2013 Conservation Awards. These awards are aimed at early-career conservationists (no more than 5 years professional experience in the conservation sector).

Successful applicants will: 1) develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of team members; 2) implement a focused, high-priority conservation project combining research and action; and 3) contribute to the long-term success of local conservation efforts.

Awards that will be offered include the following:

Future Conservationist Awards: Approximately 20 awards of up to $15,000 each

Conservation Follow-up Awards: Approximately 6 awards of up to $25,000 each (available only to previous CLP award winners)

Conservation Leadership Award: 1 award of $50,000 (available only to previous CLP award winners)

The application deadline for all awards is 9th November 2012. Those applying for Conservation Follow-up and Conservation Leadership awards, a logical framework must be submitted to the CLP by Monday, 1st October 2012. CLP will provide feedback on all logical frameworks by 16th October and, based on this review, will either invite applicants to submit a full proposal or not. All awards will be announced in April 2013.

For more information and to apply, please visit: http://www.conservationleadershipprogramme.org/Apply.asp