Cơ hội tham gia hội thảo khu vực về phim tài liệu

Cơ hội tham dự một hội thảo khu vực dành cho các nhà làm phim tài liệu châu Á. Chủ đề phim tham dự liên quan đến những vấn đề lớn của xã hội châu Á ngày nay: di cư, môi trường, sức khỏe và giáo dục.v.v.

Chi tiết như sau (tiếng Anh):

We are looking for documentary filmmakers from Asia who can tell empowering personal stories that will inspire and illuminate our global audience.

You are invited to submit proposals for the Observational Documentary Workshop for Al Jazeera to consider for commissioning for broadcast in 2013.

We want you to give voice to the big issues and the changes taking place in Asia today. Your stories could be about economic equity, artistic expression, love and family, social justice, housing and land, migration, environment, health or education. These types of themes are to be explored through personal stories that resonate internationally.

The Application

Pitch your proposals by completing the application categories below, or you can download a pitch document here: Open Call Asia. All 13 categories must be completed for your application to be accepted and considered. Proposals presented to Al Jazeera may be considered for commissioning at the conclusion of the Workshop. Your proposal must be original and new and not already committed to another broadcaster.

Before you send in your application, we strongly encourage you to read What we are looking for, view the Films to Watch and read the FAQ.

There is NO application fee.

Dates & Deadlines

June 2012 – Open call for Asia commences

3 August 2012 – Deadline for applications to be submitted

10 September 2012 – Workshop candidates announced

30 September to 6 October 2012 – Workshop in Busan, South Korea

November and December 2012 – Proposals selected for commissioning will be submitted for Al Jazeera approval.

Workshop: When & Where

When: 30 September to 6 October 2012

Where: Busan in South Korea

Costs covered for each filmmaker include: Return Airfare to Busan + Hotel

If you are part of a team, only one representative from that team will be able to attend the Workshop.

We strongly encourage you to view our Films to Watch before you send in your Application.