Khóa đào tạo giảng viên nguồn của RECOFTC

RECOFTC – Trung tâm vì Con người và Rừng là một tổ chức phi chính phủ quốc tế với sứ mệnh nâng cao năng lực ở tất cả các cấp và hỗ trợ người dân ở khu vực châu Á – Thái Bình Dương phát triển rừng cộng đồng và quản lý các nguồn lực từ rừng để tối ưu hóa các lợi ích xã hội, kinh tế và môi trường.

Hiện Trung tâm thông báo tuyển ứng viên cho khóa đào tạo giảng viên nguồn mới nhất cấp khu vực về “Improving Grassroots Equity in Forest and Climate Change”.

Hồ sơ gửi về địa chỉ trước ngày 20/09/2013

Thông tin chi tiết xin xem dưới đây:

RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, is pleased to inform that its newest regional level Training of Trainers on “Improving Grassroots Equity in Forest and Climate Change” for Grassroots Facilitators is now ready for delivery. Under a joint initiative funded by USAID-GREEN Mekong Program and NORAD-Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ Project, it has developed the set of training materials that will be used in this regional training for civil society/social organizations (CSOs), scheduled to take place at RECOFTC Hqrs. in Bangkok, Thailand, on 14-18 October 2013.

GREEN Mekong is now inviting up to five (5) national or local civil society/social organizations per Mekong country (i.e., Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam) to send one representative each to participate and benefit from the training curriculum. GREEN Mekong is able to finance all scheduled costs related to each nominee’s participation in the 5-days training, including travelling, lodging and boarding.

Follow the link for the flyer announcing and presenting the training, in particular the section “Who should join” that sets the recommended criteria for registration and participation. Ideally, GREEN Mekong expects the presence and participation of a Training Officer, Grassroots Facilitator, Adult Education Officer or any other staff directly involved in grassroots stakeholders engagement and empowerment, particularly in the contexts of forest co-management and forest-based climate change mitigation.

RECOFTC requires application for a training slot to be made before 20 September 2013, as indicated in the flyer. Be aware that the number of participants is limited to five per country. Any inquiries at