Tuyển phiên dịch cho dự án

Bộ Tài chính (MOF) và Chương trình Phát triển Liên hiệp quốc (UNDP) đang thực hiện dự án Hỗ trợ phân tích chính sách tài chính. Hiện Dự án đang cần tuyển một phiên dịch làm việc toàn thời gian. Hạn nhận hồ sơ: 17/07/2009


The purpose of the project is to achieve the following outcomes:
– Strategies and plans for public finance reform are improved, enhancing the
role and function of the public finance system in the economy and ensuring
social equity and economic efficiency of the public finance system.
– Policy analysis and advice is formally constituted within the MOF-s
structure, and the basic infrastructure for policy analysis is in place,
including required databases, policy frameworks and forecasting models. Ministry
officials possess the skills required to use policy analysis outputs as
intelligent consumers.
– Outreach activities including public round tables, open workshops/ seminars
and policy dialogues are held regularly to improve the flow of policy
information to the people, helping them to understand Government policies and to
contribute their views to the policy formulation process.
– National public financial policy analysis and research networks have been
strengthened and are linked to international academic institutions, expertise
and practical experience, especially from the East Asian region.

Currently the Project needs to recruit 01 national interpreter working full time
for the Project.

Attached are the Terms of Reference

Interested candidates are invited to send application including:
– a letter of interest
– an updated CV
to the following address:

Room: 204, Project Building, No. 4, Lane Hang Chuoi 1, Hang Chuoi Street, Hai
Ba Trung District, Hanoi.
Fax: 84-4-3-9722207
Email: project61137.vn@undppartners.org